
Industry News: ESG5

      Know Your Breach: Sheffield City Council

      May 1, 2020 1:34:55 PM

      The target: Council of the City of Sheffield in South Yorkshire, England

      The take: 8.6 million records of vehicle movements, labelled with license plate numbers and millions of photographs from the county’s 100 surveillance cameras.

      The attack vector: The city’s Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system was left exposed and publicly available to anyone with an internet connection – furthermore, the internal dashboard on this exposed system employed absolutely no password protection or other method of authentication. Anyone with the public IP address of the system could immediately access and search the system by license plate number, potentially allowing bad actors to recreate the travel patterns and movements of individual citizens, minute by minute.

      As we have previously emphasized, security controls must be commensurate with the level of sensitivity of data being stored, and must travel with that data throughout its lifecycle. When personally identifiable information is being collected and processed, best practise would prescribe multiple compensatory layers of protection, as consequences for breaches of such data can include falling afoul of the GDPR and privacy legislation in other jurisdictions.


      Topics:Know Your Breach

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